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80n Game Studios

Our Moms Interview


We're really excited to share with all of our online readers the first interview featuring our game studio. It took us awhile to find people to ask us questions about our work, so we're really proud to be sitting down with those people today. Allow me to introduce everyone. The first is my mother, Mrs. Gertrude von Sealserssen, who is a bus driver for the local elementary school.

Mrs. von Sealserssen:

Hello dear, it's good to be here.


No mom, we're good to be here. You're interviewing us so we can have content for our MySpace page.

Mrs. von Sealserssen:

Oh… Well like what kind of questions?


Things like 'What inspires us?' or 'How can we come up with so many great ideas?' Anyway, let me introduce all of the other moms. Next is Ms. Ethelita Jimmerson, Jarediah’s mom, who designs virtual living rooms in Third Life. How are you doing today?

Ms. Jimmerson:

Today’s not lookin’ to good, kid.


Great to hear. Our next mom is Mrs. Kellersims, a tenured professor of mathematics at the state university.

Mrs. Kellersims:

Why did you pay me to come here today? My daughter doesn’t even work for you people anymore.


Glad you could make it. The last mom that could make it today was Chad’s. Mrs. Chaddington, are you asleep right now?

Mrs. Chaddington:



Okay! So, who wants to ask us a question?

Mrs. Kellersims:

Yes, so, like I was asking earlier, why did you want me to interview you if my daughter left this studio months ago?


Good question. You see, we need an academic-type to give us praise so we can quote you on the back of our future game’s boxes. It’s so people who aren’t sure if they want to buy our game will be persuaded into doing so.

Mrs. Kellersims:

I don’t like video games. I don’t want to play video games.


Any questions related to our strong work-ethic? Or about the creative process?

Ms. Jimmerson:

Yeah, how did you come up with this load of nonsense of a studio? We’re in some smelly basement and this is where you work? Can you even call this work — what is it that you do?


I’m glad you asked that question. We strive hard to design video games. One day we’ll learn how to program, but right now we’re putting together the cutting-edge future of game design right here in our brains. Once these ideas get out into the realitysphere, the entire world of video games — nay, the very world — will change. All of our ideas are designed to tug at your heartstrings so we can all build a better future, together.

Mrs. Chaddington:



You all can go now.